mr-onion's Diaryland Diary


I Love the Nightlife I Gotta Boogie

There are some weekends that make you feel like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. At the beginning where he's walking down the street feeling really cool in his pimp shoes.

But I'm getting ahead of myself...1st the omnipotent gust of air created work and then omnipotent fart created the weekend.

Perm Mullet was sacked from our company for gross incompetence. On Monday I was introduced to the new girl, my office mate. Just moved to this city, 20 yrs old, went to private school, an only child, lives in a new downtown apt. purchased by mum and dad, wears patent leather stilettoes to the office.

Must'nt might be something worthwhile in there.

On second thought, she's actually a fairly nice person; she's just different from the usual people that have to work for a living, and I'm one judgemental little fucker.


But I loves the nightlife and I loves to boogie. This weekend was ace! Our pet junkie, Needles, has finally been barred from our pub for life - yay! And loads of friends showed up at the pub Friday night to talk about politics, Goodbye Lenin, porn, Cosby sweaters, The O.C., cow rectums and how they're used to make handbags and other randomness.

Last night Belle and Franz and I went to see Pilate. Pilate is Canada's answer to Radiohead/Interpol and we hold a special place in our black little hearts for them. We didn't expect much from the opening acts though: Memory Bank from Toronto and Boy from.....get this.....Whitehorse!

Memory Bank was unmemorable and largely lost on us as we were at the faraway beer garden...wondering when Pilate would get onstage. We tend to hide like this at all ages gigs. There was what looked to be a 10 yr old boy there with his mum AT THE GIG. I happened to glance at him and reflexively went "awwww....look's a small child!". chagrin. I bet that poor little kid was trying so hard to fit in and look nonchalant...he didn't need me making his life any harder.

Well.....Boy from the Yukon was a surprise hit! They have floppy hair and look like refugees from Sloan. But their music is like updated classic rock...lots of Neil Young and Who references.....they R-A-W-K-E-D. They were so excited to be below frost level and outside the arctic circle, their enthusiasm was contagious and we were jumping around in the air like idiots and doing the banger head shake. weeee!

So after their set ended I decided to bite the bullet and drop $15 for their CD. We wandered over to the merch table and looked at the price list:

T-shirts: $22
DVD: $15
CDs: $15
Kisses: 50 cents
Smiles: $1

I ventured "who are these 50 cent kisses from, you?"

Merch Guy: "Oh no! They're from the band. I'd have to pay you girls money to kiss me."

We slowly edged away from the merch table...

We were stood on the stairs above ground level so we could get a better view of the stage when there was some rustling next to us. A bunch of guys was pushing through the crowd of people next to us. I thought to myself "pushy bastards". Turns out it was Pilate.....walking through the crowd to climb onstage....stylin'.

Their set was just amazing, non-stop adrenaline even though they're mostly sad songs we couldn't stop grinning ear-to-ear...all 3 of us, because, see, we were higher up on those stairs and standing underneath a spotlight and 3 of us fancied that the lead singer was looking at us since he had such a clear view. heh heh heh.

I ran away mid-set to investigate the the Ladies Room and came back and stood behind the girls. *shuffle* *shuffle* *rustle* Singer and drummer from Boy came up and stood next to me...sheepishly looking at their water bottles. For the next 45 minutes they tried to get my attention...dropping change on my shoe....glancing over.....*rustle* *rustle*. I did not let my eyes stray sideways from the stage. "Yes I know you're looking at my ass but you're not getting a piece buddy". They did list hooters as one of their favourite things on the website though.

A good night in all, as it ended with plaintain chips...and godknowsIlovethemtoomuch.

8:09 p.m. - 2004-11-07


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